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What Gundam is the strongest

What Gundam is the strongest
Many expert fans believe it to be Burning/God Gundam...videogames such as Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 also confirm this as it often has the highest stats.

Technically Burning Gundam only has to weapons (vulcan, sword).
If anyone other than Domon uses it, he will not be able to use anything other than two weapons, making it useless (unless the pilot is Domon).

Other powerful Gundams include:

Turn A (is it a Gundam?)
Hi nu-Gundam
Strike Freedom

The Burning Gundam has the built in Burning Finger system as well, which is stronger than any beam saber and enables the suit to fire a flaming whirlwind projectile that can destroy a Mobile Suit with little effort. It's armor is resistant to beam weapons (see fights with Rose Gundam and John Bull Gundam) and withstand atmospheric re-entry. It's the only Gundam whose speed and thruster strength can allow it to escape Earth's gravitational pull (or straight up ignore it). The only techniques it cannot use when another pilot uses it, are those exclusive to the School of Master Asia (Sekiha Tenkyoken and its variations) or those exclusive to Domon (Burning Slash Typhoon, Burning Shadow Clones)

Strike Freedom cannot be included since only a coordinator can pilot it. Otherwise they would need a support OS to pilot it. Turn A is broken, but only in the manga/graphic novels which aren't canon. Hi-Nu is a non-canon suit, as we never see it in the anime.

Nu, 00 Raiser/Qan[T], and Master are good runners up.