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How do you report hackers in combat arms

How do you report hackers in combat arms
Go to the combat arms website and there should be a place where you can report hackers. or:
You have to be a certain class then you can press f5, and a list of all the players will come up, and just type the number next to the person's name. If you are not the in the ceratin class then a mesage will come up after pressing the number that you cannot kick, because of your current class. (If its not working than try using the numbers above the letters instead of the number pad). Hope this helps :)


^ that may be how to kick but....

While in game press the "ESC" key and click "report". Then select the "Hacking / Glitch abuse" category and type in the player's name or select it from the "players in the room" drop down menu. To report them out of game (like in the lobby) press the "[ ! ]" in the top right corner. The same menu will come up to report a player. Follow the same steps and if they are actually hacking, they should be banned within the hour.