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When is half-life2 episode 3 coming out

When is half-life2 episode 3 coming out
From what ive read on websites and from what ive heard on interviews, Episode 3 won't come out for at least another 7-10 years.
Yeah that sounds like a freak load of time to wait but its supposed to be extremly graphic. The water texture is what they're mostly working on which i dont really care about, i just want them to hurry up lol. But somthing to look forward to is that the game will be totally physic's. As in when you hit an object it breaks. Well this new physic's stuff will allow you to even destroy walls! Basicly minning through a level.
But yeah it's gona be a while before it comes out. And not sure if this is true or not, but i hear in Epsiode 3 Gordon speaks his first words! Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn