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What is Lego mars mission cheat codes

What is Lego mars mission cheat codes
there are lots and i don't want to tell you ALL of them because THERES TO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heres all of them

As you are aware there are several codes for Lego Mars Mission.
There are 2 kinds, level codes and helper codes.
Level Codes:
1: mars
2: powerup
3: niceman
4: buggy
5: flyboy
6: range
7: stomp
8: UFO
9: elton
Astro Special Ops:
1: drill
2: cavein
3: jacks
1: earth
2: zapper
3: extra
4: retreat
5: doctor
6: scramble
7: flow
8: redalert
9: 5050
10: nightfall
Alien Special Ops:
there is no code to alien ops you mainly have to enter 'theylive' all the time
Bonus Levels:
1: pizza
2: match
3: manic
4: amaze
1: temple
2: checkmate
Helper Codes:
test mode: beeblebrox (in a level you hold 4, 2, then you hit + - to skip levels and go back levels.A side effect of skipping or going back levels is you playing as the wrong team for example say you start your game on either astro or aliens then after you skip the final level and end up on another level you are on the same side you started on, but the level creator intended you to be on the other team.It makes more sense when you try it. This code also lets you gain money by holding * and pressing 4. the * is a star NOT the one above the 8 on the number row its the * on the number pad. you CAN NOT gain money on laptops it sucks. try on a normal computer)
Build faster: quickbuild , 299792458
Triple armour: newbie , n00b
Removes shroud: clearskies
Extra money: fatwallet
Faster shooting: awesome
Unknown: fullscreen
Extra codes: (some codes that either don't work or unknown)
1337 (erases all previously entered cheats)

Read more: What are Lego mars mission access codes