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Is there a free browser-based Multi-player Role-Playing Online Game appropriate for ALL ages that allows you to communicate safely with other players

Is there a free browser-based Multi-player Role-Playing Online Game appropriate for ALL ages that allows you to communicate safely with other players
I think you should try there are many free online games. and you may lucky find one there. BTW, i would like to recommend some browser based mmorpg for you :D 1. Urban Rivals
Urban Rivals is an online trading card games. The user interface is very clean with barely any clutter along with a delightful comic book style that resembles most quality web comics on the net. The combat system in Urban Rivals is one of its greatest features in that the battles in the game are mostly based in a Flash environment so finding battles comes along very seamlessly. Overall Urban Rivals is a very fun game that anyone can have fun playing but the lack of more game play modes and features might make the game dull and repetitive after a while of playing.

2. WWII Warfare
WWII Warfare is a free browser-based strategy game set at the height of World War II. You build your own base and develop your infrastructure, such as military academy, medical center, depot and command center, etc. There are three different types of resources in WWII Warfare: Oil, Steel, and Grain. Meanwhile, you can also make your streamlined weaponry and equipment according to your strategy. Ultimately, when you become strong enough, you can wage wars against your targets or join an alliance to fight together against your enemies.

3. Dark Orbit:
It is very simple game to play, all you need to do is use your mouse and left click on enemies, kill them and gain XP. Then take the minerals or supplies from enemies as rewards. Two things I don't like. First, in the Dark Orbit there is an open PVP environment; imbalanced items can ruin the game for other players. Second is the game's music, boring and repetive. Overall, Dark Orbit is not bad if you just wanna kill some times, flying your battle ship around space kill some enemies and have some fun, it is not bad choice.

4. Fast and furious
Fast and furious' background is based on the movie, more visuals and less text. What you do is to gain respect by winning races, having good stats and upgrade your car with styling parts. Simple and easy if you interested with cars.

5. Sea fight
Seafight is a pirate-themed, browser-based MMO game. There are two pages you mainly use when you play the game. One is web page and the other is a new window with map where you sailing and fighting. What you do is use your ship to completed quest (reach a certain place or kill monsters) and get level up, buy new items or ships. The map will expand based on you level up. it also available in many languages.You can fight with other's ship as well, or you can fight for your guild with hundreds players all around the world on each site. I play when I need a break from the normal MMO games some times. So if you like pirate game or a PvP-oriented game it is not bad choice.