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How do you pass the galactic grunt to spear pillar

How do you pass the galactic grunt to spear pillar
It depends where you are. Go through the whole warehouse in Veilstone, and battle everyone there. You will get the Galactic Key. Use it to go through the whole Veilstone HQ. (headquarters) There you will battle Cyrus. Take the yellow warp panel ahed. ( Go stand on the next big yellow dot.) Keep walking on in the building until you reach a room where three Pokemon from the lakes are held captive. Battle the Grunt there, and free those Pokemon. Then fly over to Eterna City Mt. Coronet. A grunt will say to go to the Hearthrome entrance of Mt. Coronet. Use Surf, Strenghth, and Rock Climb to go to the summit of Mt.Coronet. You will hve to go outside of the mountain to walk around the mountain at times. At the end, you'll find yourself at Spear pillar, where you'll team up with your rival and battle Commanders Mars and Jupiter. Then you'll battle Cyrus and at the end, battle Dialga. GOOD LUCK!!! HOPE THIS HELPED!!!!!!!

hi guys, im having the same problem but no one can answer it on the web... we don't mean how to get past the ancient wall, its more the galactic grunt at the end who repeatedly complains the hes lost and doesnt have any Pokemon. just thought id speak up or all of you.