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How do you kill the yian kut ku on monster hunter freedom 2

How do you kill the yian kut ku on monster hunter freedom 2
Heavy sword:Ravager blade+
Long sword:Dragonwood L.
Daimyo Hermitaur OR Shogun Ceanataur armor
fire type

Under his belly
getting yourself there activates it's minor skills like trampling it's feet, flying away, and tail whip

if you can block then, under it's belly is your best bet.
lance, gun lance or if you are a single sword type, you can even put a nice trap there and capture it
no kittens, it'll distract it and might force it to fly away or use forward peck attack(which is bad for you).
(but weapon type kitty has stun so it might be useful as well then again it's your choice)
Double blade type can use hit and run, get a kitty as distraction or some flashbangs, sonic bombs then go hell on it's side or belly while it is disabled.

Long swords and Giant Blades need to wait for the time when it is about to spit fire. attack it when it gargles ^^ then run away if it's not. You can even use falshbangs and other disablers to deliver devastating damage.

Huntinghorns and hammers will have difficulty on fighting it since they specialize in slow moving heavy armored boss. not Yian Kut ku who packs a punch, quick but not sturdy.
But still you can kill it under the effects of bombs so try making lots of it. While it gargles, the height of it's head is in the perfect distance of your swing. Swing like there's no tomorrow and get your ever glorious stun effect!!!

Ifa you're range, just bring a weapon type cat for distraction. while they are fighting, run very long and plant bombs. (bought inside the town hall).
When your cat dies, position yourself cos the only thing it'll do is run dive to you. evade that and it'll catch the bomb. it'll be disabled. if it misses do it again (you don't wanna waste the bombs).
Use that time to set a trap on the first spot where it landed then shoot like hell. (get the fighting as far as possible to the trap cos it might be activated accidentally)
use potions while your kitty distracts it if needed.
Fight it till you see it limping or running away, it'll run to the first spot where you saw it landed.
If you set it correctly, your trap will be activated.
Throw some tranquilizer bombs and viola! you've got one red hot Yian Kut ku on the dinner plate...

Next thing will try to kill is your parents who always say that 13hrs straight of playing psp is a very long...When your playing MH that's a VERY SHORT TIME! --- forget about grades and homeworks, YOUR POKKE FARM NEEDS SOME HARVESTING!

PS don't say your training instructor what I said, he'll be really envious. ^^