How do you finish the Mysterious Island Arena sidequest
How do you finish the Mysterious Island Arena sidequest
When you put a flyer on your enemy, the monster's level will be totaled with other monster levels that you have put your flyer on. The flyer will still count if you die while slapping it on. Or just ignore all the above and slap a flyer on the Guy Made Of Bees. You can find this high-level guy in the haunted bathroom (you should have unlocked the Spookyraven mansion already, but if not, adventure in the haunted pantry until you get an adventure that tells you that the pantry is connected to a whole mansion. Then adventure till you get chalkdust and a pool cue. Equip the pool cue and use the chalkdust. Its a potion. Then, adventure again and you will meet a ghost at a pool table. Do these actions; let the ghost break, then go for a solid, then the eight ball. You will get the library key. Adenture in the library until you get an adventure called Take a Look, It's in a Book! Click one of the books in the picture and you will have unlocked the second floor. Adventure and when you get Having a Medicine Ball, click on the option 'say Guy made of Bees'. Get this adventure four more times and do the same thing. Then, on the fifth time, the Guy made of Bees will appear.)