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What are the cheats for Animal Crossing

What are the cheats for Animal Crossing
Here's a good cheat for bells:
1. put all your money in the bank.
2. save and turn off your ds.
3. turn on the ds, and select the little ds icon at the bottom of the screen.
4. this will open the settings on your ds. change the year to 2099.
5. save and turn off your ds.
6. turn the ds on and start up animal crossing.
7. select the person that has all their money in the bank.
8. forget about checking the mail, and go to the bank.
9. you should have lots more money!
10. Save and turn off your ds.
11. set the date back to normal, then turn off the ds, turn it on again, and go back onto animal crossing.
12. select the person with all the money, save then turn off the ds. (you need to do that or the cheat wont work again.)
14.Enjoy all your money!!

note: when you use this cheat, lots of fossils will appear, and loads of weeds will grow. Also if you fastforward the animal crossing time, the cheat WONT WORK!