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Mni site secrets

Mni site secrets
I'll give you a few.

On the home page, where the quill is in F & B, click it.

On Forums, at the bottom, click the plus/minus in the MNI Info. If there was a minus, click it again. There should be: Dissundium.

On Ask Snape, type in Tobias. Grab the Boot.

On Classes, click the piece on paper next to Fawkes or the Cauldron. It will be either Cauldron, Snitch, or Aragog. You pick. :)

On Any Page: 1. Where it says MNI in big blue letters, click the star.
2. In the top right hand corner, highlight it. There will be something saying 'What's This?' Click it.

Gringotts, Click the parchment at the left hand bottom. Finish the puzzle. Click Submit.

I can't remember anymore, try to find them yourself!

( UU )
I'm Izzy.
If you scroll over Disclaimer, a box will appear. "Action is Power", and if you delete the last word on your toolbar and type in Action you'll get 6g's!!!

Go onto RP(Roleplay) and once on it click on RP FAQ, at the bottom is a fork, you'll get 1 sicle!!!!

And the Sanape one isn't working for me!!! Can anyone help?

I'm Isairon off MNI, over and out!!!!