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What is the best weapon in RuneScape

What is the best weapon in RuneScape
There are many good weapons on runescape. For ranged, darts and throwing knives are pretty good and fast. Magic short bow is good too and has decent speed and ranged bonus. crystal bow from roving elves quest is pretty good and probably one of the best bows in the game, al though it is a little expensive, it uses no ammo.

For meleeing, abyssal whip is a good option, but it does not train strength. It is fast, and has pretty good bonuses. Saradomin sword has the same slash and strength bonus as whip, but it does train str, but its also 2h, it has crush bonuses too and prayer bonus, as well as a good special attack. God swords are one of the best weapons since they have really really high bonuses, and are really strong, but they are a bit slow, but they special attacks are powerful and some have special abilities like healing, reducing stats, or freezing. god swords are popular on pvp for their specials.

PVP weps is the best but the effects are that they only last for 30 mins =[ there are also weps like the barrows arm veracs- hitting through armour/prayer and dhorka- hitting well over 1100lp but u have to have a low hp to do so

the strongest weps that arnt pvp is the chaotic Maul, fairly new wep from dungeoneering this crazy weapon is 1.8X the strength of a godsword! so each time it hits likes like a AGS spec, this weapon can be countered with a special dungeoneering shield that has a effect of 20% less damage (depending on which shield)