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Why is World of Warcraft addicting

Why is World of Warcraft addicting
World of warcraft may be find addictive, because of the interaction with other people, the fairy,unreal characters and the largeness of the world. In addition, some say WoW submits sublimal messages, but this is speculation and is not proved

WOW is addicting because as you start doing stuff in low levels that take you maybe half an hour you'll do around 3 of those but when you are in end game you are going to spend 3-4hour doing something that gives you some kind of value (armor or a raid achievement) before you find out you can be playing 8 hours straight without noticing
World of warcraft is addicting because, you start at something and while you're at it, you strave to be the best in the game, eventually creating your own personal second life in the game which after a while actually becomes your ONLY life. This is very damaging because of health issues, you get practically rooted behind your pc/laptop to achiev that level or that piece of item you always wanted, and let every social and other knowledge die around you without you noticing, in other words: You lack social abilities with your friends, family and possibly girlfriend/wife|boyfriend/husband, you lack movement which bring down your will to just walk that extra mile to get some food/drink or the natural toilet behaviour.
How to avoid this? Easy, as the warning in the game states: Take everything in life in moderation. Even World of Warcraft!
that helps, also, doing other things with your friends outside the door or even if its just watch a movie and later on take a walk helps.
If you HAVE to play world of warcraft i'd advice to play in total somewhat of 4 hours a day not more.
How to know you're addicted to World of Warcraft? Easy.
1. You KNOW when you're starting to get addicted is when you wake up willing that item or level and directly step behind your computer.
2. Even if you have a social life you're addicted when you start comparing everything in real life with the world of warcraft life, you talk like you're in it, you act like it, and you actually feel like living it < this one is a little hard to understand so i took liberty of looking up some comparing > option 2 occurs when: 1. Your microwave says Ding! and you reply with Grats (congratulations). 2. You're at a party and want to go home, you first sit on the ground for 20 seconds and walk away afterward/ You act like you use a so called "Hearthstone" to return home.
3. The final and most likely the most rare but also most dangerous form of addiction. Willing to die for your account.
As i will state below where i got the more info on option 2 i will also tell where i got this information for option 3. One of the occasions is actually truthfully happened and shook up most people. Where the person says in the "guild" chat: "holy crap the fire alarm went of here in my apartment" with the other person(s) replying: "Why are you still here then?" Which the person answers: "i want to achieve this final goal".
Other occasions are just not moving from your spot behind the computer for food, drinks or as former mentioned toilet behavior. In which you ultimately die because of health issues.

The human brain (duh)
The news

No i was not addicted or related to the game.
No i will not play it
No i will not give my personal information further then my mail
No im not a pathetic moron who needs social contact and gives it out this way (hence the "i will delete, ignore and deny any requests to add me on instant messaging programs like MSN")
Yes i have brains
No im not an alknowing human being, im just a freelancer who knows alot