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Could someone please give me a detailed description of all the possible ending for Mass Effect 3

Could someone please give me a detailed description of all the possible ending for Mass Effect 3
For me i saw three endings. You go up and the catalyst offers you three options. (You die in all of these endings. This is the end of the trilogy after all),Option 1: Destroy all synthtic life. You take out your pistol and shoot the power conduit untill it explodes. The citadel fires a red shockwave that destroys all the reapers and mass relays. The citadel is destroyed. Option 2: Control all synthetic life. Put your hands on two energy coils that vaporizes you and the citadel sends out a blue shockwave. The reapers on earth turn blue and fly away. The mass relays are again destroyed. The citadel however closes up. Option 3: Synthesize organics and synthetics. You step in a beam and you are absorbed into the citadel. The citadel fires a green shockwave that makes the reapers fly away and makes the mass relays explode. The citadel is destroyed. At the end of all of these the normandy crashes on aplanet and all of you surviving sqaudmates step out. The game ends. However at the end of synthesis you can see the green leaves tinged with the metallic blue tinge of synthetic. Then the game fades to black. Hoped that helped. Might be more endings.