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How do I get my parents to like video games

How do I get my parents to like video games
Many parents today are from the generation where the most advanced toy they had growing up was a yo-yo or Frisbee. In dealing with my own parents and introducing them to the latest technology, I find that it helps to show them how technology can still be relevant to people who think they know everything. In short it is a matter of "teaching an old dog new tricks". Take the wii for example. My mom is one of the worst when it comes to new technology. She just started getting into e-mail and using the computer. When she saw the wii she didn't even know how to hold the controller the right way. Now she uses the wii fit every day as part of her regular exercise routine. It's games like the ones on the wii fit that will help bring parents into the current century, including the world of video games. Start with games where they can see a clear relevance to playing it. When they see why they should play it, it'll make it more fun. Driving games and some of the classic games like Tetris or games from TV shows like wheel of Fortune can also help to bridge the generational gap.

Another answer:

Think of something your parents really like but which you've no interest in at all. Now think how your parents might go about getting you to like that pastime of theirs. Probably you can't come up with too many ideas. Why bother wasting your time trying to get anyone to like something they've no interest in?

Get on with doing what you enjoy and don't let it worry you if others don't share your enthusiasm, provided they leave you in peace to have fun.

Eventually they might even notice you're having a great time and want to know more about this stuff you enjoy so much, but if not, it doesn't really matter, does it?