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What quest do you have to do to get to the dragonspyre in wizard101

What quest do you have to do to get to the dragonspyre in wizard101
If you are a member, you will need to do a lot of worlds to get there. Here they are in sequence:
Wizard City - Here you enroll yourself to the school, solve some problems in the areas, and find out about Mailstaire's plans.

Krokatopia - Here, you are sent by the headmaster to find a magical spellbook called The Order of The Fang, in which Mailstaire intended to get his hands on.

Marlybone - Here, you will need to solve a problem with a street gang before you can get the Order of The Fang that was transported to the museum here. However, Mailstaire got a master thief out of of prison and hired him to steal the Order of The Fang.

Mooshu - You must here cure the emperor that was cursed by dark magic after he gave Mailstaire the Dragonspyre key. Once you do, you need to defeat the four Oni demons before you can go to Dragonspyre.