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What is the strongest weapon in aqw for non members

What is the strongest weapon in aqw for non members
The strongest weapon would be the iron scythe of miltonius, the damage is 16-152 for level 1, imagine if you were level 30. This weapon is hard to get, you get it from a sneevil from tercessuinotlim, but he is not swindle bilk, he is drudgen you have to buy him, he is a pet of yours. If you are a non mem its really hard to find him. But since I have that weapon, i can tell you what you need. Drudgens quest is called secret item and you need a contract from miltonius and a quest item called the secret. You get the contract from swindle bilk, which is not that hard to get, and the secret is dropped by a hidden spy tercessuinotlim