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Can you make a video game ojn the internet

Can you make a video game ojn the internet
If your looking to make console games, you will need to do some google searches on homebrew. But it's not easy, you will need to have programming experience in almost all cases, and often times the consoles that play them need to be modded for the game to work.

For PC games, a good place to start is Game Maker...

Even if you WANT to make console games, Game Maker may still be a good starting point if you have never had any experience. Make a few PC games with it, it can help you understand the logic behind games before you actually start trying to make one.

Lastly, for internet games there is always Adobe Flash. But it's expensive and has a learning curve. Either way, there is no easy way to make a decent game, if your interested be prepared to invest some time in both learning how and doing it. A great game can take upwards of a year or more to finish especially by yourself.

There are programs out there that will pop out a cookie cutter generic game for you in a few clicks but i hardly see the point in that.