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Is mag better than cod6

Is mag better than cod6
I believe that the two games require a different playing style. Mag is a very fun and strategic game that requires a lot of thought and teamwork. It is all about tactical gameplay and cooperation. Cod 6, in my opinion, is a lot of fun, yet the multiplayer is put on small maps and you just run around, kill, and then respawn. Over and over again. In Mag though, if you are good at it, you will hardly EVER die. Like I said, if you prefer a game where there is no thought involved and you just run around and kill people, go with Cod6. If you like to follow and give orders, play a very strategic game, and can work cooperatively with 256 people, go with Mag. Personally, I have both Mag and Cod6, and I think that Mag is a google plex times better than Cod6.