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What is pandanda

What is pandanda
Pandanda is a fun game for kids from the ages 8-14. Pandanda is a little bit like Club Penguin. With Pandanda Membership (aka Elite), , decorate your treehouse, and have a dragon. The pixelation is better, and its harder to cheat (which, in my opinion, is really great). They have a day called "Free Elite Day!" which is, that only day, when you login, you get to access every elite item. It only happens about once every 3 months, so don't miss out :]. There's questing, and there's a silly person named "Zing Ballyhoo". When he's here, you get to collect 10 tickets. Tickets pop up, like recycle and plants. They have better Easter Egg Hunts than Club Penguin. They have different prizes, too! I'd recommend getting your child Elite Membership.
Hope I helped,
Pandanda i a fun social networking social networking site. Where kids have a virtual red panda they use to complete quests and play games.
Pandanda is a fantastic virtual world for kids. Create your very own Red Panda avatar, make friends, play games, go fishing, adopt a pet dragon. There's no limit to the fun you can have in Pandanda so sign up today!