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How do you get Rhen Var and Bespin City on SW Battlefront 2

How do you get Rhen Var and Bespin City on SW Battlefront 2
You have to buy it on Xbox Live. It's the first Xbox Live premium content for StarWars BattleFront II I'm pretty sure it's about $4.99. The add-on includes new Hero characters & four classic levels from BattleFront I. The Battlefront II premium package includes Jedi Kit Fisto and the evil Asajj Ventress as playable heroes, as well as maps from the original Battlefront: Yavin 4 [Arena], Bespin [Cloud City], and two on Rhen Var [Harbor and Citadel]. Each now offers Conquest, Capture-the-Flag, and Assault modes. So, how cool is that; you get to play as a Hero on almost every level in the game! Here's the new level's Heroes: Bespin: Cloud City
Rebel Alliance: Luke Skywalker
Empire: Darth Vader
Republic: Aayla Secura
Confederacy of Independant Systems: Asajj Ventress

Bespin: Cloud City
Rebel Alliance: Han Solo
Galactic Empire: Darth Vader
Galactic Republic: Kit Fisto
Confederacy of Independent Systems: Asajj Ventress

Rhen Var: Citadel
Rebel Alliance: Han Solo
Galactic Empire: Boba Fett
Galactic Republic: Kit Fisto
Confederacy of Independent Systems: Darth Maul

Rhen Var: Harbor
Rebel Alliance: Chewbacca
Galactic Empire: Emperor Palpatine
Galactic Republic: Kit Fisto
Confederacy of Independent Systems: Asajj Ventress

Yavin: Temple
Rebel Alliance: Luke Skywalker
Galactic Empire: Boba Fett
Galactic Republic: Anakin Skywalker
Confederacy of Independent Systems: Asajj Ventress Glad I could help! (: