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Totally spies academy walkthrough mission 1

Totally spies academy walkthrough mission 1
go to the door and use the earing's on the zombie. enter the lab. you can take a lava lamp and a poster. go to the chemistry set complete the 2 recipes on the paper in the corner. one will open a locker a zombie is stuck in (opening Locker is necessary and one will blow up and a disco ball will fall you can put it in your loft. take the purple screw driver of of one of the tables. go back to the hall and use the test tube thing on the lock a zombie will be in the locker. mouse over the shining spots on the zombie one is a key another is a piece of paper that isn't really help full. use the screw driver to open the vent. you will get a card. go to the drinking machine in the hallway and put the card in. go back to the locker room. click the drinking fountain and take the key from the zombie and put it in the key hole on the floor. go in the now opened hatch. on the couch there is a pillow u can put in Ur loft. put the card in the machine thing on the side of the contraption the octopus is in. when you play you have a paint ball canon thing. use it to hit the gems on the octopus' tentacles. it will take a few hits eventually the gems will break. next click on the guy in one of the corners. there will be a person on a track click on the track pieces to turn them things like zombies screw drivers and bags will appear make sure the pieces they appear on r connected to the track eventually a desk will appear connect the tracks to the sides and voila mission 1 is complete!

Um hi I really like your advice but I think you forgot to put up how to get rid of the third zombie so I will tell them you just use the laser lipstick and aim it at him pants then they fall off and you can get your card charged