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When is kh3 going to be released

When is kh3 going to be released
about 2009 There are actually 2 games that are not yet known to be in development yet that could be labeled as kh3. There is 385/2 days which will come out for wii or dsi (I'm not sure which) and probably will come out in mid to late 09. There is also birth by sleep that at this point has not been recognized by square enix and is only called that because there was a trailer at the end of kh2. No one has any idea when or even if this game will come out, but it will be on either psp or ps3. Birth by sleep is considered the real kh3 and 385/2 days seems to be more of a rehashing of chain of memories, but this is just speculation. Square enix so far has not said anything about either of these games. The only thing that is known for sure is that 360 owners will not get to play the next kh game.