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What does the church teach about video games

What does the church teach about video games
Nothing remotely resembling video games existed in Biblical times, so it is not possible to make a direct biblical orientation(Unlike alcoholism which certainly did exist in those times.) nonetheless one can extend the basic peace angle in that many but certainly not all Video Games to some degree or another espouse violence and violent action and this is not (Off-stage) or past-tense like the detective game of Clue. It is one thing to solve a crime a la Dragnet, it is quite another to plan one and set things in motion for what used to be called impure thoughts and desires-if not actual criminal crime-skill practices. There are some video games lilke a UFO-Naval battle ( a good combination) that can be deemed harmless fun but they are in the minority, most video games are violent and all are costly (no free plays) and are programmed and addictive. they are not a healthy pastime, most of them. Te same can go for some crime-oriented board games such as (How toplan a murder mysteryhost a murder, etc. unhealthy subject matter! N"uff said.