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Whats the worst thing that could happen on animal crossing

Whats the worst thing that could happen on animal crossing
Um.....let's think here.It depends on opinion.I'll give you a list of things that are pretty bad and you take your pick.
1:Have your town get rebuilt over
2:Scare off the rarest bug in the game
3:Scare off the rares fish in the game
4:All the towns people hate you(Never write them letters,Always hit them with net/shovel/axe etc.)
5:Being alone in the town(All the towns people hate you and move and tell their friends never to move there and you are all alone and are forced to start a new game.)
6:Have the rarest flower in the game,blue panseys,die
7:Loose the golden shovel/slingshot/fishing pole/net/axe/watering can/timer
See?Bad things for that game take your pick.