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How do you cetch a scorpion on Animal Crossing

How do you cetch a scorpion on Animal Crossing
What you do is wait for summer. Then go out at night with your net and walk very SLOWLY until you see a scorpion. DO NOT SWING YOUR NET AROUND LIKE A CRAZY PERSON!! ( or run around ) If you do that, the scorpion will bite you and then you will fall to the ground and wake up at your house. You probably won't see another one that night. But what you will do instead of swinging your net around is wait for the right moment when it walks right in front of you... AND SWING YOUR NET!! (before you do this, make sure your net is actually above it... -_- ) Then you will have a scorpion. WARNING: Scorpions and tarantulas are not the same. Scorpions are more fiesty and will attack more than tarantulas. Therefore, this makes them harder to catch. Hey, at least they're not as hard to catch as bees!