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How do you get to rank 3 on my LEGO network

How do you get to rank 3 on my LEGO network
Getting to Rank 3 in MyLegoIngredients for Giant's Hat Masterpiece:
- 80 Lumber
- 40 Blue Lego Bricks
- 1 Giant (30 blue bricks + 40 red bricks)
- 80 Red Lego Bricks
- 1 Millstone (25 red bricks)

Hint: Make full use of Gallery Modules Rank 2 to grow red bricks when you start this quest. Later when you get a few blue bricks, spend them on Factory Modules Rank 2 for maximum red brick growth.

To get Lumber:
1. Buy a T-Square from BartleBee for 10 Potted Plants.
2. Send Milmano the T-Square for Lumber Mill Module blueprint.
3. Buy Millstone blueprint from Milmano for 10 Honey Pots.
4. Build Millstone for 25 red bricks.
5. Build Lumber Mill Module for 30 red bricks and 1 Millstone.

To get Blue Lego Bricks:
1. Build a Millstone and send to Pel Tonne for the Electric-Dam Module blueprint.
2. Buy Beaver blueprint from Pel Tonne's page for 10 Lumber.
3. Build a Beaver for 2 Lumber + 5 Red Lego Bricks.
4. Send Milly P.Enstock the Beaver to get Treason Beaver blueprint.
5. Build Electric-Dam Module for 30 Lumber, 30 Red Bricks, 3 Beavers.
6. Build 10 more Beavers to setup the Electric-Dam Module.
7. A friend must build a Treason Beaver (12 Lumber + 5 Red Bricks) and click the Dam. After 20 clicks, the owner gets the Water Mill Blueprint. A flood of 20 Blue Lego Bricks may be sent to a random friend on the owner's friend list.
8. You need to build a Treason Beaver and click on a friend's Dam to get some Blue Bricks sent your way. Blue Lego Bricks get sent out to random people on the Electric-Dam owner's friendlist whenever someone clicks the dam so check your mail.

Important note about unmailable Treason Beavers

To increase Red Lego Bricks:
1. Buy Factory Module Rank 2 from Milmano's page for 8 Blue Bricks.
2. Build Factory Module Rank 2 for 5 Lumber + 5 Red Bricks.

To increase Blue Lego Bricks:
1. Buy Quixotic Gallery Module blueprint from Don Brickote's page for 3 Blue Bricks.
2. Build Quixotic Gallery Module for 5 Blue Bricks + 5 Red Bricks.

To increase Blue Lego Bricks even more:
1. Build Water Mill Module for 60 Lumber + 80 Red Bricks + 1 Beaver + 1 Millstone.
2. It takes a while to save up enough items to build this module and although it's not required to complete the rank it sure is good for growing Blue Bricks. For every 2 clicks from a friend, this module produces 1 Blue Brick.

To get Giant blueprint:
1. Click on a friend's Quixotic Gallery to randomly get a Heroic Story.
2. Send Don Brickote a Heroic Story to get a Wind Mill Tilter blueprint.
3. Build the Wind Mill Tilter (5 Blue Lego Bricks + 8 Red Lego Bricks)
4. Click on a friend's Wind Mill for a chance to win the Giant blueprint.
5. If you don't know anyone with a Wind Mill, go to the public network and keep clicking "Visit a Friend" until you find someone. (or maybe people on someone's friend list is rank 2)
6. Otherwise your friend needs to buy the Wind Mill Module blueprint from Milly P.Enstock's page for 10 Blue Bricks and build for 35 Lumber + 15 Blue Bricks + 1 Millstone.

To get the Giant Hat Masterpiece blueprint:
1. Buy Millstone Hurling Module from Milly P.Enstock for 20 Blue Lego Bricks.
2. Build a Giant for 30 Blue Bricks + 40 Red Bricks.
3. Once you have a Giant, build some Millstones and click on a friend's Millstone Hurling Module for a chance to win some Blue Bricks.
4. Build a Millstone Hurling Module for 30 Blue Bricks and 1 Giant.
5. Get a friend to click your module to win the Giant's Hat Masterpiece blueprint.

Gather the final ingredients and build the Masterpiece... That's it! Another rank complete.

Please add me to your friends list because I really need lumber thanks:)
Danny01010 and benhhjk(benhhjk for details)

i have asked you if you can be my freind danny01010 log in to my Lego network and at search user type :snookdiesel no capitals no space!:)