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Where can you find a werewolf in oblivion

Where can you find a werewolf in oblivion
You can find a werewolf if you get the mods Curse of Hircine, Druid mod, or Legends of the North. In The Curse of Hircine, you can find a werewolf west of the Imperial City. At night, just follow the west path and then follow the path up. The werewolf should be around that area at night. With the Druid mod I'm pretty sure "Druid" is a class, and if not you just have it at the beginning at the game. With this you can turn into a werewolf at any time you want. With the Legends of he North mod, you will have a quest at the beginning of the game and you just do that quest. I don't think you can become infected by the werewolf of that mod though...