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Cheats on zwinky

Cheats on zwinky
I don't know every single cheat on Zwinky. but i do know one which is the Faceless cheat. This is a cheat to make your zwinky character have no eyes nose, and no lips/mouth. This seems to be something popular on there so if your a noob, its a great start to zwinky to help you fit in a little. O.K.

Step 1- usually you have no money when u start off so play a few games first to earn some.

Step 2- Head over to Zavenue (a store) which is located in the zwinchester (mall)

Step 3: When your at Zavenue, click on the clothes kinda off to the side. that will bring you to the merchandise you may purchase.

Step 4- Keep clicking the next arrow down by the bottom. click it 20 times. then you should see "shiny headband" down by the bottom. click on it. then a little window opens that brings up the merch. bigger and says try it on or add to bag.

Step 5- Click add to bag, then click checkout. after u click checkout a gray window comes up with your merch. just click purchase item. Then another gray window comes up to send it to a friend just click complete my purchase.

Step 6- Time for the cheat finally!! LOL After you have purchased you items go to ur wardrobe, go to purchases, then go 2 hats, click on the headband, go to appearance then face. Sorta next to your zwinky person theres this white box w/ the headband in it, click it then it should disappear. Then go BACK to purchases then click hats then the headband! then ur faceless!!