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How do you make a game like RuneScape

How do you make a game like RuneScape
It takes a lot to learn how to make a game like runescape. You have to have a domain(there are some free ones), you need to know how to code using java and maybe some other languages, have money to spend on better graphics,sources if you aren't very good at coding and host(all those are optional!),you need some type of writting pad like notepad to save your coding on, a source to use(else you want to start from scratch, which I do not suggest else you are a excerpt coder which takes them months to even do). Willing to give up hours. It takes a lot of effort to do, if your the only one that codes the game, you may want to give up some times but don't, just take a break for a few days and come back. You will also need a item maker,monster maker,ect(paint is one but is very hard to use). That is just about ever thing you need to know to make a game like runescape.