How do you cancel Zwinky
How do you cancel Zwinky
Zwinky is fairly easy to remove. Simply go to Add or Remove Programs and delete "My Web Search" and anything similair or related to Zwinky.
To get rid of all the effects of Zwinky and its partner program My Web Search, run your spyware removal software and run HiJackThis, and delete harmful entries. If you don't know what entries are harmful, save the log and enter it on the link relating to this page called "HiJackThis Logreader"
Delete all entries classified as dangerous or unneeded via HiJackThis.
Zwinky and My Web Space have a habit of sending information regarding your PC to advertisers, without you seriously acknowledging it. (It is however listed in their TOS that they have the right to do this.)
go 2 ur profile page and clik edit profile. then, go 2 delete identity (under your avatar on the edit profile page).