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Super Smash Bros melee

Super Smash Bros melee
SSBM is the second game in the series, with new functions, such as Adventure, Tournament Mode, Trophies, and Event Matches. In this game you can be characters, such as, Mario, Luigi, Zelda, Sheik, Link, Pikachu, Pichu and more! This game is fun for all ages, and is GREAT fun for parties, or just hanging out with ya friends! Take it from someone who knowz :) --Berny-- Answer Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Gamecube is a fun game for anyone from all ages. You get to play as any favorite video game character and battle your friends, or be a loner and collect all the characters. The best thing about this video game is that theres no end to it. Collect all characters, defeat all events, defeat adventure game, defeat normal game, and then do it all over again but make it hard. If you like a game challenging and not boring buy this game! Haha I really love this game! I love freezing the game when one COM player goes flying off the stadium! lol and making four luigi's fight themselves with high speed and with a high percentage of getting hit in one shot.