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Where is scarecrow in batman arkham city

Where is scarecrow in batman arkham city
On Batman:Arkham City, you cant find scarecrow. But you can find evidence... On a boat near the highway near the steel mill, there is a boat, at one of the ends, there is a opening. use the hacking device and find the code, "city of terror". Once it opens up, there are a bunch of containers of cockroaches. There is also one of the jokers inmates to test on. Zoom in to him and he will have a spaz attack thingy... To prove this is the scarecrow, a recipt is near the inmate with a little paragraph.... Also, there is radio frequensys that cant get marked. It says number you can decode. Right from the gotham fm, you will hear the numbers

9 23 9 12 12 18 5 20 21 18 14 2 1 20 13 1 14 BUT.
I W I L L R E T U R N B A T M A N= i will return batman
Such as A=1 B=2 etc. There atwo two more but one above gotham fm you do the opposite such as Z=1 Y=2 etc. This inst killer croc because you can find him on this game..

That confirmed this is the scarecrow. The most strongest clue is that right near the boat is a under construction highway... Go to the large platform in the middle of it and you will see hay, a few crows, and strongest of all,his mask.