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Can video games hurt you

Can video games hurt you
Video games by and large do not hurt people. The only way they can hurt people is indirectly, usually relating to addiction, obesity or anti-social behaviour. However, this is usually only caused by a lack of maturity from the players part, and the maturity of one must be taken into account for decisions on buying a game. Take for example a typical nine year old kid. Most, not all, nine year olds are simply not mature enough to handle a video game such as Grand Theft Auto or other "M" rated games. It can hurt them by causing violence issues and other emotional problems. Overall, video games can only hurt people if they are not ready for them, and this must be taken into consideration before purchase.

Note: While age ratings on games are generally good, just because your son is 12, does not mean is definetely too immature for a 15's game. Knowing yourself how mature someone is can be invaluable, even for your relationship. Video games are only bad for some.