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Where are the seals on assassins creed 2

Where are the seals on assassins creed 2
If you looked from the view points in each city, the shops will be located. Visit the D'arte shop and purchase a treasure map if one is available, if not, continue along the story, which is the only way to unlock certain parts of the city and other cities. Once you have treasure maps for all areas, you should have no problems finding the secret locations where the seals are kept. Now, as for getting through those secret areas... I hope you are familiar with Prince of Persia structure climbing puzzles.

When you have all six seals, take them through the secret bookshelf passage directly opposite the Codex Wall in the villa. Mario will open this area once you learn of Altair and take you down to the awesome and locked away Armor of Altair. Place the seals in their appropriate slots to unlock the gate and look swank in your new black robe.

Which I don't really understand fully because, as I recall, even at the end of AC, Altair was still in white rags. But, I suppose he did ascend to Master and had his wardrobe refitted. Al Mualim never looked so gaudy...