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How do you find out the prestige of players in other servers in evony

How do you find out the prestige of players in other servers in evony
To find out the statistics of players, alliances, cities, or heroes you use the Statistics menu. It is on the bottom left corner of the Evony main screen. It is on the second row third from the left.

Select the Statistics menu, then select the tab for which you want information: i.e. Players. Then type in the exact full name, or even just a part of the name. All the matches will then show up with the exact match, if any, highlighted in blue. There is also a sort option at the top of the Statics report. There may be more than one screen on partial matches. Simply press the arrow key in the top right corner to scroll back and forth.

For Players you will receive their name, alliance, title, honor, prestige, cities, and total population.