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What toy goes to what on zoo tycoon

What toy goes to what on zoo tycoon
This all depends on the habitat of the animal for which trees go to which animals. However, the toys depend on what 'class' they are in. For example the cats such as lions, cheetahs and more will want a bathing rock but an easier way is clicking on the animal, then once you are brought to the animal's screen click on the yellow question mark in a green circle and the picture should turn up at the side of the question mark. This includes the trees, shelters as well as toys.
Other problems towards unhappy animals could be:
. They are bored
. They are thirsty
. They are in the wrong habitat
. They don't have a keeper in their exhibit
. There baby is sad
. They aren't spending quality time with the keeper

Solutions to these are:
. Give them a better suited toy
. Make sure they have FRESH WATER in the exhibit.
. Check by using the 'green question mark theory' that you are using the correct flooring.
. Be sure to always put a keeper in each exhibit, if completely aquatic add a diving keeper
. If a baby is sad the parents are automatically sad
. Once you are on to the animal screen click on the picture of the animal and bond.

Hope this helps :D