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What are the legendary fossils in fossil fighters

What are the legendary fossils in fossil fighters
Frigi: Beat BB bandits at BB base after you beat the game
Igno: Beat Sauhead at Fossil Stadium Locker Room after you beat the game
Guhvorn, Guhlith and Guhweep: Beat Gunash for the second time
Raptin, Duna and Dinomaton: Get all 100 Vivosaurs
Dynal: Beat him for the third time (1 in the storyline, 1 for the time machine parts and 1 for fun)
Squik, Squirk, Squirth, Squilk and Squiro: Download them at Nintendo Channel if you have a Wii or get all 100 Vivosaurs to Rank 12. Collect their Fossils in the Fossil Lawn at the Park Area.
Gunash: Beat his three Brains with three of Squik, Squirk, Squirth, Squilk or Squiro.