Will counter strike maps work on counter strike source
Will counter strike maps work on counter strike source
Sadly no, Counter-Strike 1.6 or 1.5 maps are not compatible in Counter-Strike: Source, however many map authors have re-designed their maps to be compatible such as "surf_ski" and "scoutzknivez", and many maps can be found on websites such as FPSBanana.com.
Currently, FPSBanana is also known as GameBanana.
Earlier maps are not compatible in CSS unless the map is recreated in the Hammer program.
Being that the entity structures and textures of CS 1.x are different they will have to be deleted, restructured or replaced. The entities should be obsolete being that the CSS engine doesn't necessarily support them. If the CS textures are to be used they will have to be added to the materials folder and later pak'd into the compiled map.
First thing to do would be to decompile the bsp file and convert it into a vmf file. Edit the vmf and then recompile, test, pak and zip. Only doing this work will then the CS 1.x maps work on CSS. Sounds easy, it's not.