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Is the game Second Life safe

Is the game Second Life safe
In terms of "safe" it is not without it's own risk. People who download 3rd party client side software (Viewers) are putting themselves at risk, but no more than people who download free applications from small-business/independent software developers. The official viewer is available freely at Second Life's website and is 100% safe (think "Adobe Flash or Microsoft Office" you have no proof that their software is 100% malware free but do you really think they would put the reputation of a multi-million(billion?) dollar company at risk to slip in a bit of spyware/viruses?)

In terms of the on line experience there are two "grids" to which the end user may connect. The "Teen Grid" which all players ages 13 - 17 play on and the "Main Grid" where adults 18+ play on. You may not play Second Life if you are under 13 years of age. Any Teen on the Main grid or vica versa who is discovered will receive a permanent ban from the game. The Main grid has areas designated "G" "Mature" and "Adult." G rated areas are for the general population. Mature areas are for any content that may be considered "questionable." Adult areas are areas that have adult content (Sex, Drug, Extreme Violence-related content) in order to access Adult areas you must first verify that you are over 18 by way of automated or manual approval (Drivers Lic., SSN, Fax with Birth Certificate, etc.)

Overall, Second Life is no more "dangerous" then the rest of the Internet.