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What is the max level in World of Warcraft

What is the max level in World of Warcraft
In World of Warcraft now, you can be up to level 80. How ever, in 2006 the level cap was 70, and in 2004 the level cap was 60. The level cap will usually increase up by 10 levels every two years with an expansion. However, without the expansions, your level cap will not increase.


Right now, your lvl cap is 80 if you have the wrath of the lich king expansion.
I think it is in September 2010, the new expanton will come out (Cataclysm).
Then your lvl cap is 85! -- The main reason I think that the level cap is only raised by 5 levels next year is because of the sole amount of time it takes to level after level 60. For example, a level 74 could fight level 80 monsters for 2 weeks straight (like 2 hours a day) and still not level up.