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Which is the hardest level on halo 1

Which is the hardest level on halo 1
Answer by some idiot: I personally have never died on halo I'm like a master of disaster. i cant say the same about the marines though. but in a combination of level and difficulty...
level: two betrayals
difficulty: legendary
hint: on this level you can slide down to the bottom safely using the sliding slope in the centre. there's a bazooka down the left side when you come out the door near the bottom.

starwars6441: Answer by the best video game player in the world: Halo sucks play call of duty black ops. only halo reach is good. Noobs play Halo and Mario cart.

My online xbox gamer tag is: Darkshadow x25.

I'm gonna have to say either Two Betrayals or The Maw.