What is the greatest way to make mesos in Maplestory
If you want to hunt monsters, it depends on your level:
At Level 20~40, you should go kill Sakura Cellions in Amoria.
At Level 50~60, you should go kill Drumming Bunnies in Ludibrium.
At Level 70~90, fight Leprechauns in Phantom Woods, at NLC(or Masteria). They look like meso bags. The high level is suggested, not required, because of the many high level mobs in the same map.
At Level 90+, fight Aliens in NLC. They are easy to kill, and drop approximately 900 mesos apiece.
2nd way
Go to Haunted House (Prendergast Mansion) in NLC and mine ores. When you have finished mining all the ores, switch channels and start mining again. Sell the ores for 30k-80k each, depending on the rarity.
You can get about 30 rare ores(purple vein) and about 70 medium ores in 1 hour.
Don't bother mining the less profitable veins like Brown, Magenta, and Silver veins.
This will net you about 2m-5m in 1 hour by doing this nonstop in Ardentmill, when there are lots of people. If you see anyone saying 'B>_____ anything you have', then trade with them. If they are high leveled, then say 'offer price'.