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Who does sonic like Amy or Sally

Who does sonic like Amy or Sally
Sonic likes both Sally and Amy but in a friendly matter. In a romantic matter, however, Sonic is seemed to be attracted to both females, but in different media. Sonic is seen to have interest in Sally Acorn in Sonic The Hedgehog Archie Comics, The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog (The Christmas Special only), Sonic The Hedgehog the television series, and most pixilized games. However, Sonic is attracted to Amy in other media such as Sonic X, Most video games(it is hinted), and in one issue of Sonic The Hedgehog Archie Comics, (During Sonic and Sally's break up) they went out on a date (Amy's treat). Although Sonic has been attracted to other women on more then one occasion, such as Bunnie Rabbot, Fiona Fox, (The Archie Comics), Breezie, Roxy, Sonnette, Miss Possum, Merna, (The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog),Tiara B.(Sonic X-Treme), and Madonna (Sonic The Hedgehog The Video Game).The only twofemales to be romantically interested in Sonic and to have Sonic not share the same feelings is Sara and Mina Mongoose.