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What type of character should you make on wow

What type of character should you make on wow
Make a Warlock
(WoW... that's too simple of an Answer... Let me help you out more... It takes alot of skill to use a Warlock as a New Player because you'll seem to die alot because you won't be able to grasp the concept of aggro. Cloth isn't that great at protecting you so with that said that leaves the Mage and Priest out aswell... If you're new I would suggest either a Paladin, Rogue, Warrior, Druid, and if you get to 55 and hate the class you are you can get a Death Knight... If you're not new a Warlock would be a great challenge for you and I'd say go for it... being a noob and using a Warlock as my frist toon made me a stronger player my Warlock is happily level 80.)
- Gohan