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What are the effects of kids playing video games

What are the effects of kids playing video games
The child would become a addict.
Also the child would not pay attention to anything else.
The children might become addicted to the games and if they do they will want to do nothing but play the videogames.
If they play video games, like I do, and let off steam so they aren't mad all the time, it might not be a bad thing.
Perhaps the biggest concern associated with video games has been the amount of time which children dedicate to playing them. On average, children play video games two hours a day with 64 percent of all American children playing at least one hour a day (Sheff 3). Part of this obsession is because most games always contain a new threat or challenge, and this creates a compulsion to continue playing. Other reasons include pressure to continue playing so one can compete with other children's high scores and deep knowledge of the game. When more than two hours a day is spent playing video games it is often at the expense of other activities. This is what many fear is happening to the majority of children, they are eliminating social activities in favor of the anti-social video games. Parents often see their children as becoming obsessed with playing, and the parents are able to see firsthand just how pervasive and powerful this gaming force is. One potential direction of this force is that it immerses children in useless, repetitive play that has the power to affect the ways in which they develop both emotionally and physically.Violence in video games is another major concern. It is feared that playing video games promotes violent behavior in real life situations. However, most research has found no connection between the two. These researchers say that children know the difference between real violence and that in games and claim that video games have no significant impact on these children. Contradicting these studies, other research does link playing video games to aggressive behavior. "Children who watch a steady diet of violent programming increase their chances of becoming more aggressive towards other children, less cooperative and altruistic, more tolerant of real-life violence and more afraid of the world outside their homes (Sheff 45)." In summary, these confounding research findings show that video games probably do not contribute significantly to deviant behavior but do increase the aggressive behavior by individuals who play them.