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Games moving slow on computer

Games moving slow on computer
Make sure to close down unnecessary programs in the background, like the Internet browser and image editors. The computer may have insufficient RAM memory capacity, or if other programs are hogging all the processor power.

Make sure that the game isn't running with too much graphical effects so the graphic chard can't handle it. Turn off Anti Aliasing completely, and turn of Vertical Synchronisation (sometimes simply called V-Sync). If this isn't enough (or already turned off) you can either lower the resolution which is making the game blurrier, but it's faster to render. Or you can lower the visual effects (like shadows, glow, motion blur) to have a crisp image but less effects. Do a combination between both if the computer can't handle the game.

Some computers has too little performance power to run games at all. A computer for about $400 usually isn't suitable for gaming. A computer for about $1000 is more suitable for games. A computer for $1500 is often called "gaming computer" and should not have problems running games.

Custom made computers are cheaper and you can get more power for the money. Buying a finished computer from a company is more expensive and has less power for the same money. Some companies sells computer for unnecessary high prices as their names are very popular. A laptop is more expensive and less suitable for gaming, and if you are very into gaming, prefer buying a desktop computer.