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Can you make your sims naked in sims 2

Can you make your sims naked in sims 2
type in: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

Than hold SHIFT and click the sim you choose. It will come up with many options, click 'Change Suit' than click the option 'Underwear or Naked' or something like nude or bare not quite sure. Go back into Live mode, without pause. It will come up with a box asking Naked or Underwear, click the naked botton. Your sim will turn around and be naked. it will be blured out, but they will be naked.

I have tried the cheat it works for more thing i just play around with all the options with the boolprop cheat

Tip: press SHIFT-CONTROL-C all at the same time, it will bring up the cheat box which is where you type in: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and press enter. Remember to type in the cheat exactly the way i put it. :)