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How do you beat the truth on sniper assassin 2

How do you beat the truth on sniper assassin 2
Press the F key whenever necessary to keep the light swinging, while using the A, D, Q, W, or E keys to raise the Fear level above the Guts level.
Sniper Assassin 2 is the second of 5 "stick man" shooting games in a series from Ultimate Flash Game (mostly as links to the Gonzo Games or Addicting Games sites).*

Beating the truth out of suspects occurs on various levels. In part 2, the final level is actually named "The Truth." To get the captured felon to talk, you have to make the fear (bar) higher than the guts (bar) without killing him (life bar). Then he will answer your questions, but not until Sniper Assassin 3.

As on the other levels, there is a "fear enhancing" technique besides physically beating the guy. Pressing the F key whenever possible is the key, and here it is a swinging overhead light. Press F first, then proceed to use Q and W (punches) or more effectively A (baton hit) and D (lemon juice) to keep the fear rising rather than going down. As soon as the light stops swinging, swing it again. Before the red life bar is gone, you should have the green fear bar above the blue guts bar. Press the spacebar to ask your question.

*Note: many of the level passcodes may not work on some sites. One that does consistently is at Armor Games.