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What is Free Realms like

What is Free Realms like
Free Realms is an online MMORPG (massively multi-player online role playing game) with a great player base. The pros are great to Elites, especially Dioxin, and Lil Stylezz. Those kids got me started, and now I am max at all jobs. The game is better for new players, then it is for old players, as there is not a large amount of quests, and the minigames are easy. It has a Trading Card Game, guilds, and Combat system. As for the guild system, once you becomne level 15 on any of the 15+ jobs, you can start a guild. do not be decieved by the guilds <KEWL N POPULER PPL> as these guilds take who ever comes their way, and are usually full of noob players. So I don't end up spamming this port, I will recommend you to the two players above, Dioxin and Stylezz, these kids are great friends, and will help you with almost anything.