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When was littlest pet shops made

When was littlest pet shops made
Littlest Pet Shop is a toy franchise owned by Hasbro. The original toy series was produced by Kenner in the early 1990s.An animated television series by Sunbow Productions and Creativite et Developpement, based on the franchise, debuted in 1995. It follows the lives of five miniatureanimals. They live in a pet shop on Littlest Lane and have their own treehouse inside of the store.[citation needed] However, an updated version of Littlest Pet Shop was introduced in 2005. This updated version had proportionally large heads and has no connection to the Littlest Pet Shop television show. There are currently over 1,000 different pets that have been created by the Hasbro company.They have recently made LPS video games for DS, Wii, and PlayStation 3. They also made pets that you could adopt online and play with on littlest pet shop